Friday, October 30, 2009

Poor tired feet

Distance 12.5km [total: minimalist 23.5km: Barefoot 24km]

Luckily the afternoon turned out to be cooler than what was forecast.
A slight cool change came in and took the temperature down from 33C to 27C which was much better.
I was going to cover 12.5km today in my Vibrams, I had an idea that I wasn't going to push it too hard and that I would walk any time I felt any pain.

I walked from work to the River Torrens liner park which follows the river from the city to the sea.
I had my Asics on for the walk through the city then changed out of them and into the Vibrams when I got onto the river.

Each time I run in the flat shoes it takes about 10 minutes getting used to stride on the surface. The surface for most of the way is smooth bitumen undulating around the river.
I ran for about 8km before going back to a walk. My Achilles was starting to tire so walking took the pressure off it.
Walking though meant a longer time on my feet and more pressure on my forefoot which was starting to ache after 10km.

In the last km of my run section I was kept company by a cyclist who wanted to know more about the shoes. I described the problems I got when wearing corrective shoes and how I was trying to strengthen my feet.
It seems the problems I described were the very same ones that he had, so it looks like another person is about to take the plunge.

By the time I got back my feet were a bit tender but not any more than they would have been if I'd have worn my Asics the entire way. Running the distance is actually easier than walking purely because of the shorter length of time on foot.
I think my feet deserve a golf ball massage for the rest of the evening.
I think I may have a rest now from running for a few days just to allow some recovery time.


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