Sunday, July 24, 2011

From Sun to Rain

Distance 45.5km [total: minimalist 136.5km: Barefoot 1708.2km] Week 29

Well, a good week of running there!
Wednesday, 20-Jul. 10km. 
An early break from work to get out on my usual 10km run along the walkway by the beach. The week has seem some cold nights but this also meant that the days had some sun. As I am writing this a few days later I don't think this was one of them. I ran a time of 55:54

Friday, 22-Jul. 10km. 
Ah some sunshine and I think I can just about make it back with some light left in the sky, no more stumbling through the dark (not that I was actually stumbling). The pavements had captured a bit of warmth from the sun during the day but it faded quickly. Sunset is now at around 5.28pm My time for today was 56:18.

Saturday, 23-Jul. 14.5km. 
A cold night of 5C. I checked my thermometer when I got up and outside it was a bit warmer than that now. I was hoping by the time I went out for my run at 9am a few more degrees would have been added onto the scale.
I got to the beach at just before 9am and found the tide at its high point and on its way back slightly. This meant I was running on soft, cold, well trodden sand. There were also many large furrow marks left by tractors moving sand around the beach and shoring up defences to the sea. It was a was a tough run, up and down troughs, avoiding the deep horse footprints. I kept my stride choppy and fast and that helped a lot with the balance of the uneven terrain. I ran back on the hard bitumen surface and made better time before slowing again on the rocky trail. I had a good burst of energy at the end and did a time of 1:30:56 by the end.

Sunday, 24-Jul. 11km. 
A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go for a run today. In his message yesterday he said the weather would be nice, the best day of the week, ummm. I don't think weather forecasting is his forte. I had all my running gear drying on the washing line outside on Saturday when it started raining and it was still raining this morning, retrieving it was not an option as it was still thoroughly wet.
My feet were feeling a bit sensitive from all the recent runs and I wasn't looking forward to a run in the rain and cold.
He did intend to run from Grange to Glenelg, a full 16km but I said my I would feel the cold too much in my feet on the wet ground. We did my usual weekday run but starting a bit further north. My feet were cold as soon as I stepped out of the car, it was 10C and raining lightly. On the return journey this changed to raining heavily. I ran as lightly as I could. I was soaked. Still I did enjoy the run. I shall give my feet a well deserved rest for a few days now, they have done me proud.


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