Sunday, October 20, 2013

Summer weather kicking in

Distance 33.5km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 5246.1km] Week42

Monday, 14-Oct-13. 10.5km

Good run, feeling much easier now, I think the faster running is helping out now. 


Thursday, 17-Oct-13.  10.5km

A good quick run today, helped by the girl who acted as a bit of a pacer. This time I was the one behind and playing catch up and it was a tough effort. I first passed her when she was running the opposite way to me, I had just started my return run towards Grange and she was heading to West Beach. I can say where her turn around point was but it must have been close to where I turn around as she had overtaken me after less than a kilometre. I kept a fairly steady distance of around 20m and couldn't close the gap. At the point where the road leaves the beach where they are relaying the footpath, I ran along the road and she headed to the beach. I assumed I would never catch up now. But surprisingly when the road rejoined the beach I found she was only around 10m in front. I could then accelerate and catch up. We ran the last 100m pretty evenly. I had a brief chat at the end and thanked her for helping lift my pace.


Friday, 18-Oct-13. 12.5km

Ah, a day of holiday and the freedom to run when I would normally be working away and shortening my llife by sitting for long periods of time.
My legs or rather calves were stiff today after some of my faster runs during the week so it was going to be an easy run today. It was a sunny day with blue sky from end to end. I had an appointment later in the afternnon so I didn't want to run too far, and tire myself out. I ran towards Glenelg and made the decision to turn back when I got to the small boat launch breakwater. The was a good decision as the northerly wind really picked up and I was running into blowing sand. I just kept my head down and kept up a stedy pace. It eased off as I returned to my start point.
No weekend running as I had guests and decided I could afford to had a bit of an easy weekend.

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