Distance 33.5km [total: minimalist 285.6km: Barefoot 4628.8km] Week21
Monday, 20-May. 10.5km
My usual weedkay run along the Esplanade. I shall be glad when they have finished the roadworks at West Beach, I'm tired of swapping from one side of the road to another. I think it will be good when it is finished as I'll have a long stretch of flat concrete to run along which should be cooler in the hotter summer months. At the moment it is littered in stones and bits of gravel so I have to keep alert and be relaxed and run softly. I ran the last stretch of 2km along the beach.Thursday, 23-May. 10km
A sunny autumn day had left a bit of warmth in the ground that my feet were grateful for. This warmth dissipates quicky as the sun sets. The sun set this evening at the halfway part of my run and it was quite dark when I got back to the car at around 6pm. This was a all hard surface run. I have noticed a bit of stiffness in my left calf. I have given it a massage on the roller and will monitor it to see if it gets any worse.Saturday, 25-May. 13km
Not the best of runs today, maybe it was the cold conditions or the wind blowing but the muscles felt a bit stiff today and I was aware of the left calf on a few occasions when I thought I might have got a strain or a knot. I would ease up on the pace and relax until it felt ok again. I felt quite tired when I got back. I had to have a shorter run than usual as I had to get out early for a football mach in the early afternoon.Neil
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