Distance 33.5km [total: minimalist 317.6km: Barefoot 4641.8km] Week23
Wednesday, 29-May 13km
My last run on a sandy beach for a month as I prepare for a trip to visit family in England. A run north to Semaphore and back along the road and grassy lawns behind the homes fronting the coast. The spiky seed cases have now disappeared, probably sprouted new plants with the return of the wetter winter weather. I' safe to run here until the end of spring when the seed cases return.Saturday, 1-June 6km
First run back on English soil for around 2 years. It was an inspiring sunny morning so got up for my first run before breakfast. I opened the door an realised the morning temperature in an English summer is similar to the daytime temperature in the Adelaide winter. It was chilly. I warmed up as I ran but my hands still felt cold. I chose a short run along the River Tame for my first outing. An easy 6km. There was not as much mud as I encountered the last time I ran over here but it was still around in patches.I monitored my pulse rate and kept it below 140bpm but it was harder than I thought. On the return journey on some of the uphill paths it shot above 150. The hills are quite a test to a flat land runner from Adelaide.Monday, 3-June. 6km
Another river run a bit later in the day, ah, warmer this time. The run was the same route as last time with a slight variation of some steep climbs at the end to push the pulse rate up. I've also caught a cold from my trip on the plane. Brilliant.Wednesday, 5-June.10km
Old running mate Graham came around today to drag me out for a run. We used to go on regular runs back in the '80s. He knows far more of the off road trails than I do which made for a very interesting and picturesque run. Except from the times we emerged onto roads I was familiar with, I had no idea where I was. Most of these trails would be muddy during typical wet English weather but now the sun had been sining for around a week they were beginning to dry out. It is much more enjoyable running along trails that are not maintained by throwing gravel down.With bent springy knees you can flow along the trail with a light springiness that you associate with animals.The trails were around Werneth Low with only one spot where we walked due to the steepness of the road. Very enjoyable run.Friday, 7-June. 10k
I am truly amazed that I have had nearly a week of sunny warm weather. Even the locals can't believe that summer has arrived. The run I completed today took me along the canal towpath to the long tunnel at Woodley. As with all these runs over here I'll be wearing my my VFF shoes, it is far too stony to run barefoot and I would feel very self conscious in this country, running without shoes.From where I get off the canal the road begins to climb at a gentle gradient, maybe 10% along tree lined roads with large houses up to an area called Greave. From there I leave the main road and take the country lane that climbs to the top of Werneth Low, this is the steep part which is around a 20% gradient. I would like to say I ran the whole way but I stopped to pat a lonely pony standing in a field by the edge of the road. The cold I acquired on the flight over here is still wrapped around my chest making my breathing restricted so I'm running at a slower pace that I would normally. I am missing the true barefoot running, VFF's are no substitute.
Sunday, 9-June. 6km
Still the virus hangs on. I had a good bout of coughing last night to try to clear my lungs and woke today to find the heaviness back again. I did manage a few good coughs and cleared it in the morning then as the weather was still nice I headed out for a short run along the River Tame. The VFF's are a necessity as the road is very rough that leads to the river. Most of the paths are gravel as well so I wouldn't get very far barefoot. I ran along the river to Manchester road then crossed onto the other side and back through some farms then a trail that is quite overgrown from when I ran it when younger. My heart rate monitor seemed to be giving some high readings, at times it was up at 172, I'm pretty sure I was not labouring at that rate but I wanted to be cautious due to the virus, I have heard you can damage the heart by running with a virus in the chest area.I emerged from the trail in Woodley and then made my way back to the canal for the run home.
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