Distance 28km [total: minimalist 285.6km: Barefoot 4520.3km] Week 18
Monday, 29-Apr. 11km
I had to have a run this evening after spending some money on a new car, the tension of it hat to be disipated by a bit of physical activity.I ran an 11km from Grange car park to West Beach. I started my run a little earlier as I'd skipped out of work an hour earlier than usual. It was a nice evening for a run, the sun was out giving a bit of warmth but the pavement was cool. The calves were a little tight today after the longer run to Glenelg over the weekend so I'll have to get the roller out on them after. I did a time of just over an hour not too bad.
Thursday, 2-May. 11km
I thought I better get my run in today as I may not have the time over the weekend, I have to spruce the car up for a possible sale. I have had my car for 16 years and have now finally upgraded to a 2010 model. So far I have only driven it on a test drive. I still have to pay all the bills that come with owning a new car. A nice evening, the sun would be disappearing at around 5.30pm so I had about 40 minutes before darkness would start to fall. A great run tonight, all the stiffness had gone from the legs just a good springy bounce. I am still finding it tough to slow down to keep the heart rate at 135BPM, I naturally feel like moving faster which has my rate at 139BPM. I have to keep easing off the gas when I feel too racey.On the way back I had to show one of the shoe wearing types that I was not the pushover that he thought. I ran past a guy near the river and a few minutes later I heard the pounding footsteps behind me, I gently moved up the pace to see if I got a response, umm footsteps still there, move the pace up again. A few minutes later no footsteps, he'd given up. The barefoot runner put up more of a fight than he anticipated.
Sunday, 5-May. 6km
International Barefoot Running Day. Despite my efforts to get a bit of publicity by writing to the SARRC they chose to ignore me, maybe the shoe company sponsorships are more important. So the small band of regulars gathered at the foot of the lake for our 6km loop. The weather was kind, I had feared rain but instead we had some warm sun. We ran at an easy 7min/km pace (according to David's GPS watch) chatting along the way. I didn't have a stopwatch so didn't record any time today, it was more of a social outing. After the run we headed to the House Cafe Bakery for a coffee. John had a sick note for the day ;-)Neil
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