Distance 18.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6647.6km] Week33 (11th -17th Aug)
Running days: Saturday Sunday
Distances: 10km 8.2km
Not much running done this week. I was less than inspired by the weather, it was cold and blowy. The best day of the week was Friday but I had an appointment to go out for a couple of beers with work colleagues. I stuck to light beers so there was no chance of a hangover. Saturday was a cold day of around 12C as I went for my run. I headed into the chilly wind on the way out and had it behind me on the way back. I continue to be plagued by tendon soreness on my right leg. I have also noticed that when I finish the run and am getting in the car I have some soreness in my hip flexor and I think there is a connection.I am going to work on strengthening the hip flexor to see if that will help shift the ankle problem.
On the Sunday I did a gym session focusing on some of the exercises mentioned in The Primal Blueprint book such as Chin ups, press ups, plank ect. After that I did a loop of the lake and put in some sprints on the way around. They are hard work and it takes me ages to get my breathing back to normal.
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