Distance 25.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6566.4km] Week30 (21st - 27th Jul)
Running days: Monday, Saturday, Sunday.
Distances: 10km 10km, 8.2km.
Another week of cold and rain that stopped me getting out. Moday was the only day I managed to run without rain.The wet weather headed in on the Wednesday and lasted until the weekend when we got some cold bright days.
So Monday was my all road running day, Saturday was part way along the beach, I would have crossed the river but with the rain during the week it was too deep and the currents too strong.
The stormy winter weather is causing more erosion of the beaches to the point that even at low tide there is very little beach left in places.
The sand is colder on my feet than running on the footpath so I prefer to run on the concrete during the winter.
Sunday was quite windy, a cold wind blowing from the north that was in my face while running up the western edge of the lake. It was much better once I turned east and ran over Delfin island, the shelter provided by the houses made the warmth from the weak winter sun just enough to add a small amount of heat to the ground.
I didn't hang around when I finished my run as the wind was still blowing down the length of the lake and I would have soon been shivering by standing around.
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