Distance 39km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 5906.2km] Week09
Tuesday, 25-Feb. 17km
After not feeling too good in the morning and calling in sick I managed to eat some breakfast at around 9am. I felt a better, the stomach not as rebellious. I went out to get some sun and had a jog along the beach that turned into a run much longer than I thought it would. The conditions were perfect, the tide was out, the temperarture was around 20C, sunny with some light cloud. I ran from Grange jetty to the Glenelg marina then back, I still felt quite good at the end, I did stop when I got back to the jetty but it did cross my mind to keep on running towards Semaphore but I reigned that thought in. A very enjoyable run.Saturday, 1-Mar. 15km
It was cool overnight and sunny during the morning which lead to good running conditions. The tide had passed it's high point a few hours ago and was slowly on it's way out leaving some clean fresh sand to run on and check the footprints to see if they were even. I started the run before having any breakfast so I started slowly giving myself plenty of time to warm up. The beach has quite a camber when the tide is high and it's hard to find some firm flat sand to run on. I ran back along the foreshore from Semaphore jetty then onto the sparse grass behind the houses by the beach. It was a good run and I don't seem to get the problems of running without food like I did years ago.Sunday, 2-Mar. 7km
Its that time of the month again when I get together with the shrinking band of barefoot runners for our monthly run. The venue this time was Henley Beach, meeting at the jetty at 9am. I got there early and did some short sprint drills to warm up. Cathy and Michael came on the run today, Cathy doing here own shorter course as she has only recently started running completely barefoot. Michael and myself ran to the West Beach caravan park at a good pace then back along the beach. The weather was just fantastic, the best is can be, mostly still with a very gentle breeze. These are the sorts of runs I want to commit to memory for my old age when I can't run any more, I can remember how wonderful it was. One thing I do know is that barefoot running has saved my joints and will probably enable me to run for a very long time yet. I was so lucky to read the BTR book and take up the challenge of rebuilding my running style despite people telling me it wasn't possible. What I have learnt is that the more people say it can't be done the more it should act as encouragement.Neil
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