Distance 46.5km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6006.4km] Week12
Monday, 17-Mar. 10km
The day started off with heavy rain as I was driving to work and it rained off and on throughout the day. I would have to decide if I ran tonight based on the if it was raining by the time I got home. As it turned out, the rain stopped when I was at home but it began to rain again as I drove towards the beach. It did stop by the time I started running. I was left with quite a lot of surface water which made it very hazardous when the surface changed to smooth paving, several time I felt my feel slide from under me and I had to shorten my stride to stay upright, I was aqua planing. I wouldn't have wanted to have slipped backwards and bashed my head on the floor, that would be both painful and embarrassing. On the way back I diverted off the dangerous surfaces and ran on the road for some sections and onto the grass on others. Even the concrete could be slippery if there was enough water on the surface. It was a great run this evening and my t-shirt was was heavy with sweat by the time I got back.Wednesday, 19-Mar. 13.3km
As we only have a few weeks before the end of Australian Summer Time and the sun will be setting an hour earlier I need to make the best of the good weather as it will soon be winter and I'll be running in the dark.A perfect Autumn day, 25C and light winds but of course the sea breeze was a bit stronger when I got to the beach. I parked by the Grange Cafe and ran to the small boat launch ramp at the end of Barcoo Road, turned around and ran back with the wind behind me. I did 2km on the beach, the tide was high and running in the soft wet sand was a bit slow but not everything is a race.