Distance 28.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 5567.3km] Week52
Monday, 16-Dec. 11km
The heat is being turned on this week as we head into the high 30's later in the week. I ran a bit later once more but only had a light snack before. The sea breeze was blowing briskly from the south west which seems to be a regular pattern now. The run was good and I finished off with a 2km stretch along the sand. I still can't seem to get some good speed up. Maybe I should be practicing 500m sprints for a session or two.Thursday, 19-Dec. 9km
This was due to be one of the hottest days of the year at 43C, a real head boiling temperature. Running in the afternoon is out of the question so that is why I'm pulling my running shorts on at 5.30am and heading out to the beach. At the moment it is a pleasant 22C, the sun is still down but there is some light in the sky.No breakfast before the run and my body still feels asleep, I will have to gradually wake it up.
I ran from Grange sailing club to West Beach and back. I wonder if people thought I was sleep running.
After a kilometre I started to wake up and the legs worked out how to run again. It was a fantastic run at that time of day. The air was still the sea was as smooth as glass. People were out walking, some swimming, some doing early morning assault courses on the beach.
Sunday 22-Dec. 8.2km
Thankfully the weather cooled off on the Saturday. We had our break up from work on the Friday at a pub a little way down the road from the workplace and the air conditioner chose that day to break down. Maybe the heat of the day before caused it. It was an hot sweaty afternoon meal crammed into this pub with inside temperatures around 30C.I didn't run on the Saturday as it was my recovery day from the breakup so I slept in a little late. We had rain today to freshen the place up after the heat. Sunday was a nice day to run. Cool but bright. I did my lap of the lake, felt a little depleated still. I don't think alcohol agrees with me these days. The time was respectable but still around 5 minutes shy of my best. One more run and then it is the Christmas Day run.
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