Distance 34.7km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 4954.1km] Week35
Tuesday, 27-Aug. 10.5km
Umm, they seem to be digging more an more of my running route up, all improvements for the future I suppose but short term inconvenience for me.I ran along the beach for around 3km before climbing back onto the footpath.
A bit of competition as I made my way to the surf club at West Beach. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a runner about 50m behind me who looked like he wanted to make an example of me by racing past. I wasn't going to let this happen so slowly cranked up the pace. I could hear his footsteps behind me so I pushed the accelerator, he clung on so I went faster again until it was an all out sprint. He stopped the chase and ran across the road then down a side road. That adrenaline rush pushed my heart past 150bpm and my legs were a bit stiff after that effort. I took it a bit easier on the way back.
Friday, 30-Aug. 11km
A stressful day at work almost left me to drained to go for a run, I felt like just collapsing on the sofa and having a snooze, but, I persevered and got my gear on and ran and soon enough the reward came and if felt good to have the feeling on pavement under foot. I was a bit later out on my run and the sun had set by the time I got back to my car but what a spectacular sunset it was. There was some herringbone clouds on the horizon that got lit up into an orange glow, it was hypnotic just sitting and watching it slowly darken. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on hand to capture the image.Saturday, 31-Aug. 5km
I met up with David and Cathy for a short barefoot run from Semaphore following the foreshore path then onto the grassy trail behing the beach houses. This was the first really warm day of Spring although technically spring is tomorrow. The running group has shrunk with Jenny having some ankle problems and John bowing out and going back to shoes. Maybe the wave has passed and couldn't defeat the corporate shoe culture. Runners will continue to get injured and have shortened running careers due to wrongly designed shoes and misleading statements made by people with a vested interest in selling expensive corrective treatments.After the short run we headed to The Mill for a coffee and a chat and agreed to meet up again In October.
Sunday, 1-Sep. 8.2km
After an early gym session I headed to the lake for my 8.2km loop. Another warm 25C day but quite breezy this time. I ran into the warm northerly wind which quickly dried my throat. It seems like the move from running on cold winter pavement to warm footpath has happened quite suddenly. I'm beginning to wonder about coping with the hot summer surfaces again. It seems like a year has zoomed by and I am now at my 4th year anniversary of taking up barefoot running.Neil
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