Sunday, April 7, 2013

End of SA Summer Time

Distance 40.5km [total: minimalist 285.6km: Barefoot 4383.1km] Week 14

Monday, 1st-Apr. 10km

The last week of light evenings, from next week I will be racing against the sunset as we gently slide into winter. For now though we have some great weather for the rest of the week, all the temperatures are in the mid to high 20's. Today it was a bit breezy. I ran into the south-westerly wind then had it push me back. I kept to the road the entire way around. When I got back to the car I relaxed by lying back on the bonnet and closing my eyes. I could still feel the warmth from the engine while I could hear the thump thump thump of runner going past on the pavement nearby.

Thursday 4th-Apr. 10.5km

Good run this afternoon although I did feel a tight muscle on my outer calf, this is a leftover from the lunges I did at the gym yesterday. I did around 120 walking lunges with 18kg of weights in my hands, my legs were stiffening from this morning and I could feel I was not as smooth as usual in my run. I'd also done some calf work which also didn't help. The run was good but I kept the pace down so as not to overstress the leg muscles. 

Saturday, 6-Apr. 13km

Slept in late today, after an early breakfast it was back to sleep for a couple of hours, by the time I got out for my morning run it was 10.20am. The sun was high in the sky and it was going to be a warm day of 29C. I did the Semaphore beach run today. Earlier in the week I has a flu shot to ward off the winter virus and I felt a bit sniffly today and that I was sweating a bit more than usual, I'm not sure if it was my imagination or not. I found another runner to chase down on the way up to Semaphore and I did the same on the way back, giving him a start of around 200m. It was a little tougher on the way back as he was determined not to give up his lead and it took me about 2km to break him as he increased his pace

Sunday, 7th Apr. 6km

After an extra hour or rest due to the South Australia moving from Summer Time it was a glorious day outside. I'd arranged to meet the small group of barefoot runners by the jetty at Henley for an easy 6km run. I didn't anticipate the amount of people that would decent upon Henley square this morning, finding a park spot was quite a challenge. I got to the jetty by 10am, the others hadn't arrived yet. John was the first to arrive after a long break from barefoot running due to an injury sustained while cleaning the shed, good to see he has got back on board. David turned up about 5 minutes later, all having the same parking problem. We waited until around 10.20am but there was no sign of Jenny so we set off. The run was a cut down version of my evening run, about 4km less. It is always hard to find a speed that encompasses all of the people in a group, John would like to go faster but I was worried David may not keep up. We kept up a good pace and stayed together. We ran along the Esplanade path then onto the beach when we reached the caravan park which was the half way point. The tide was at it's low point so we came back along the beach, crossing the river then back to the jetty. I had a race in the last km with John but he beat me. I need to work on my speed to put him back in his place ;-)

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