Sunday, March 11, 2012

Back to running home

Distance 50.7km [total: minimalist 269.6km: Barefoot 2388.2km] Week 10
Monday, 5-Mar. 6km
A nice easy run around the lake at West Lakes, more sheltered that the beach which was pretty breezy this afternoon. What wind there was started as a tailwind then became a headwind as I swung around and ran into it.

Friday, 9-Mar. 12.5km
The Adelaide Fringe Festival is on at the moment so a few of my running days have been put off as I went to see some shows and absorb some of the culture. It's a great time of year, there is so much happening it is hard to keep up with it all. The Fringe is on for around 3 weeks at the same time there is the 3 days of Womadelaide, the Clipsal 500 car race and coming up The Adelaide Cup horse race. Go go go!
For the first time in an age I caught the bus into work and ran home along the river, this was, at one time, a weekly run but I have got out of the habit. As we are now in Autumn and the temperatures are not hitting the extremes it is a viable alternative to driving in then driving to the beach for a run when I get home. As before I run the first 5km in my Vibrams to get through the city and away from the places that have more glass. The run went quite well but it is harder as I have a backpack on weighing around 5kg which seems to stop my light springy running. It takes a while after I've removed the Vibrams to get the bare feet on the rough path to feel comfortable. My feet were unscathed by the time I got back, just a little tired

Saturday, 10-Mar. 18.5km
Obviously not that tired that I can't run another 18.5km the next day. I ran a good time on the outbound leg recording a time of around 41 minute but fatigue began to kick in again in the last 4km. I decided not to rest when I got to the 15km point of Grange jetty but to carry on, I knew as soon as I stopped it would be hard to get the legs moving again. I felt slow, now whether than was more in my mind I don't know but the next jetty seemed to take ages to reach. I had a rest there then had just 1.5km to get back to my start point. My legs and feet didn't want to run much more but I managed to coax a bit of a trot out of them. I was pretty thirsty by now as well having not had a drink for over 10km on a warm day.

Sunday, 11-Mar. 13.7km
I did 2 runs today. One at just before 9am around my lake course and later at midday a 6km run along the beach with a friend of mine at a more leisurely pace. The morning run was good but my feet were a bit tired after the long runs over the past few days so there was no record breaking pace. I was happy just to run around in 45 minutes for the 7.7km distance. The beach run was around 6km, the tide was out but it was warm as it was now midday. There were a lot of broken shells and small stones on the beach, washed up in the larger tides during full moon. My feet started to feel each sharp piece of shell and stone if I stepped on them.
I found my results for the Beach Bash: I came 27th out of 199 with a time of 20m 16s, I've trimmed around 20s off my time last year ;-)


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