Distance 39.5km [total: minimalist 264.6km: Barefoot 2248.1km] Week 7
Monday, 13-Feb. 4km
A very sort very easy run, kept heart rate very low at just over 100bpm mainly because I was training with someone else and trying to get them to regulate their heart rate to around 135bpm.
Thursday, 16-Feb. 13km
I thought about getting a longer run in this evening but the strong wind wore me out. The wind always picks up in the afternoon and by the time I got to the beach it was blowing at nearly 30km/h from the south. Yesterday I had done some leg exercises at the gym, lunges and leg extensions and some calf raises, this all left my legs feeling a little dead tonight. I headed north with the wind behind me and found that even though it was carrying me along my dead legs had lost their spring. I turned around to head back into the wind at the 6.5km point and found it hard going with the incoming tide and the gusting wind. I was taking quite small steps but it was still tiring me, there was no way I was going to add and extra 4km onto my run I decided when I got level with my car, there would be better days.
Saturday, 18-Feb. 15.5km
In complete contrast to Thursday, not a breeze on this early Saturday morning. I'm sure though, if I go down there at 5pm the wind will be blowing. Once again I folded when it came to getting up to the 18km mark for a Saturday, my feet were sensitive after I'd filed away a bit more of the calluses near my toes. Also my Achilles on my right leg was a bit achy. This wasn't the ankle problem I had been getting over the last 4 months. I'll have to do some calf drops to get it strengthened again. Its only a couple of weeks before the Beach Bash at Henley, I'll be way down in time this year as I've done no speed work, maybe the aerobic base I've built up will be enough to allow me to feel relaxed and I'll just enjoy an easy run.
Sunday,19th-Feb. 7km
A loop of the lake before a gym session as last week. My feet were a bit sore today though, I can't work out why after all these miles they would still be tender running over a short distance, what hope would I have of running a full barefoot marathon. The calf dips I did the other day worked on my Achilles, it was fine today. So, the only problem I have now is the sore callus and tender feet. The weekly total was ok though.
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