Distance 13km [total: minimalist 256.3km: Barefoot 2079.5km] Week 3
Monday, 16-Jan, 13km.
A warm one today. 30C when I got to the beach, how long could I run in this temperature with no water. The tide was on its way out so I had some firm sand to run on. There were plenty of people out on the beach, you kind of forget this when you spend all day at work. I ran north up to Semaphore then turned around, if I had enough energy I figured I'd run past my start point and on to Henley jetty then turn around again and go to the start. As it turned out I was feeling pretty tired in the warm weather, by the time I stopped for a breather, under Grange jetty I'd run around 12.5km with no water and my calves were starting to feel a bit stiff. I was also mindful of the amount of time I have been out in the full sun, it's almost midday and even though I have sunscreen on I've been out for over an hour. I jogged back to my start point and called it a day, another 3.5km might finish me off. My time for the 13km was 1hr 15m. I managed to keep my heart rate between the training zones and recorded almost exactly the same times for the out and back directions. My average heart rate was faster coming back, the heat must have been having an effect.
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