Distance 11km [total: minimalist 256.3km: Barefoot 1870.2km] Week 42
Thursday, 13-Oct. 4km.
A warm spring day of 26C and I'm itching to get out for a run at this best time of year but I am still recovering from an ankle sprain.
Since Saturday I have been taking anti inflammatory tablets to reduce the swelling around the ankle. I did run a short 4km on the Saturday, since then I have been resting and the pain has been subsiding. A slight swelling has remained.
I went to the beach and ran another 4km. I can still feel the pain signals from the ankle so I didn't run any further than the planned distance. I'll rest again until Saturday and assess it again.
Saturday, 15-Oct. 7km
The warm wet weather of yesterday has given way to a cooler change, clear but a strong north west wind. Another test of my ankle today. The stiffness is still there but I can run on it. I extended my shorter 4km run out to 7km today. My fitness has dropped off I can tell, by the feeling of breathlessness. I had the wind behind me on the way out and towards me on the way back. Still it was an enjoyable run. The swelling has subsided, only a small amount left now. I'll go for another run or two during the week.
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