Wednesday, June 2, 2010

8km run

Distance 8km [total: minimalist 96km: Barefoot 398km]

Wednesday is usually a night I do a bit of gym work but I had a swap around and missed my Monday run so went out tonight.
The weather was far better tonight anyway.
I went on a route I'd not run for a couple of years. I donned the VFF's for the run, the ground is getting a little cold and as the light is fading it makes it harder to spot hazards on the path in front of me.
I covered around 8km, first along Grange Rd to the beach, along the beach then back along Trimmer Parade and Tapleys Hill road.
It was a good run, hardly get any stiffness in the tendons these days, I think the strengthening phase is almost complete now.

Now that I am gaining confidence in the technique and gaining the skill of running I need to get more speed into my legs, then I can start entering races again.

Using my mobile phone I got a relative to try to capture some moving video of my running style. It's not great video and really, to get a better idea if I am landing correctly, I need to be filmed by a moving camera that keeps pace with me. I'm not sure how to do that yet.

From the small portion of the video where I run past my landing seems ok when I pause the footage. At first I thought I was landing ahead, maybe I am.
I'll see if I can get some better video to analyse at a later date.


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