Sunday, September 14, 2014

Light running

Distance 13.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6677.8km] Week37 (8th - 14th Sep)

Running days: Wednesday Sunday
Distances: 9km 2km

After more resting, no Monday run, I gave it a go on Wednesday and found it no better. I ran lightly along the beach road but after a few kilometres I could feel the tightness return. By the time I began my return journey it was a bit depressing that I had to run at a slow pace so not to aggravate the problem any more. I soaked the ankles and calves in the sea for 10 minutes after the run to see if the cold therapy would work.
I did a gym session from 8.30am until around 9.30am then decided to try some running on irregular surfaces of the sand dune trails at Tennyson. This was exhausting, I didn't feel that fit at all. Running in soft sand drains the energy out of the legs. I did around 3 circuits which consists of climbs on rocky paths, then onto soft sand then onto stony path, then beach, a great mix up run. I got pretty hot and sweaty after that. The ankles seemed ok as well.


Reduced distance

Distance 13.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6666.8km] Week36 (1st - 7th Sep)

Running days: Saturday Sunday
Distances: 5km 8.2km

Nearly a week off running is hard, it makes me feel fat and unhealthy even though I probably no different at all. 
I did have a commitment this week and that was to meet David for a monthly barefoot runners meeting which basically just consisted of the two of us.
We ran the city centre River Torrens run and this was the first run where I could feel the warmth returning to the ground. The weather was beautiful, clear blue sky, no wind. I took it nice and easy on the run, just chatting along the way, the more serious running crowd passing us every now and again. After the run we called up to the local deli and had a coffee.
I decided to have a Sunday run as the ankle wasn't too bad on Saturday. I did an early gym session then went up to the lake to run my loop run. It was quite windy today, blowing from the north. The ankle played up a bit, I could run but not fast, it just feels tight. It seems to be different tendons that ache at different times, sometimes the outer ones sometimes the inner ones.
These small runs I am hoping will not hinder the healing process but just act as progress tests.
