Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stormy Week

Distance 25.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6466.9km] Week26 (23rd-29th Jun)

Running days: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday.
Distances: 10km, 7km, 8.2km.

Weekly report.

A low kilometre week as the cold wet weather headed in from the south. Monday is a usual running day but it was raining heavily for most of the day so I abandoned any running attempts.
Wednesday was interesting, it was a blustery day with rain off and on. I was going to have another day off if the ground was wet but when I got out of work I found it dry in the west.
It also wasn't too cold so I opted for T-shirt and shorts. I could see dark clouds in the west over the ocean but nothing that looked like it was going to suddenly rain. I made it down to the half way point and began the journey back. I noticed how much closer the dark clouds had come and how the west wind was picking up. It was a race against the rain now, I was 4km from my car as I felt the first spots of rain. Within 500m it was a full on squall hitting me, 50kmh winds and heavy torrential rain. The rain smashed down on the concrete sprayed back up making a mist that I could only see around 20m ahead. The cars all had their headlights on an wipers moving rapidly clearing the windscreens. I must have had a runners high splashing around in bare feet, completely soaked, I was relaxed in this weather as I knew in 30 minutes I would be under a warm shower. The rain lasted no more than 15minutes and had cleared by the time I got to the cafe at Grange.
We had rain for most of the week, I ran a short distance on Saturday. It was very cold at 11C and very windy. I ran down the beach then back along the concrete footpath. It was cold underfoot and my feet started to lose sensation. It felt better running on the concrete than the brick due to the smoothness of the concrete. I got into a race with a woman in the last 400m, she didn't look like she was running that fast but she did my trick in speeding up to see if she could shake me off. I kept speeding up but couldn't catch up at the end.
Sunday run was good, the winds had eased and the rain stopped. I did some strength work at the gym first then my 8.2km lake run. The sun shone and I could feel a small amount of warmth in the ground. This was a great run, I felt energetic and bouncy along the way.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Shortest Day

Distance 74.4km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6441.7km] Week24

Monday, 9-Jun. 10km

Nice sunny days with cold nights. The warmth doesn't hang around long as I get out of work as early as I can to make the most of the available light.
My usual 10km out and back, Grange to West Beach. Not many people around now, most have hung up their runners for the season, waiting for the warmer weather.

Wednesday, 11-Jun. 10km

Another beautiful sunset to watch as I get to the halfway point and spend a minute to breath in and watch the sea crashing against the rocks. Not as many runners out at this time of year, mainly they will switch to the gym and the treadmill for the winter, not as many will stay out in the elements. Coming from England, the winter weather is mild in comparison but I still prefer running in the warm weather.
I'm quite confident running with bare feet in the dark, they feel their way now without me having to worry.

Saturday, 14-Jun. 6km 

Meeting of the small group of Adelaide barefoot runners for a run around the river in the centre of the city.
As we are in winter now we meet at 10.30am to give the ground a bit of time to warm up. It has been wet overnight and it was cool now but bright. The ground felt cold underfoot and the feet felt sensitive in the wet while running on the bitumen, it was much better running on the grass.
We did a loop around the soccer fields and the river paths going past the Botanic Gardens.
After the run we sat in the local deli enjoying a hot mug of coffee, chatting at catching up on news over the previous month.

Sunday. 15-Jun. 8.2km 

Another wet morning as I headed off to the gym for an early workout, the wipers were moving steadily to clear the windscreen.
When I finished the gym the rain had eased but began to drizzle as I began running around the lake. It stopped shortly after I began running. Another runner passed me but I resisted the temptation to chase as I was just warming up, I think I would have been outclassed anyway. The ground was wet most of the way around but it wasn't cold enough to make my feet numb. It was a good run.

Monday, 16-Jun. 10km

A wet day for my 10km today, surfaces were wet so care was taken on those non porous surfaces that become like ice underfoot. I was going to have a rest today but I got a burst of enthusiasm as I got home and went out anyway. A good run with a bit of a sprint at the end as I neared the cafe at the end of the run. I don't feel the cold on  my feet anymore, just like most animals can walk around without worrying about the cold.

Wednesday, 18-Jun. 10km

Much better weather today, a nice day during daylight hours but cooled down quickly in the late afternoon. I ran the last 2km back along the beach in close to darkness. I had to keep focused on the ground in front of me to see if I was going to step into a hole. One or two figures of the last people walking along the beach would appear as dark shadows in the distance. The sand wasn't cold so I had feeling in my feet. 

Saturday, 21-Jun. 12km 

The shortest day and the start of the winter proper. It took a lot to get me going today. It looked a bit grey outside. I struggled out of bed by 9.15am after a great nights sleep. I decided to run without breakfast as it would make me too late. 
It was a mild morning, the tide was on it's turn from the high point leaving a meter of wet sand to run on. There was a lot of sea grass washed up onto the beach and care had to be taken as the sand would give way beneath the feet where the sand had covered the sea grass. Not the most inspired run, I felt a bit weak, especially on the return leg when I felt almost like I was shuffling.

Sunday, 22-Jun. 8.2km

An early trip to the gym to do some weights before the noisy fitness classes start upstairs. I did some chest, calves, presses and arms followed by some cool down using the foam roller.
I had arranged to go on a run with Michael today at 10.30am. It was pretty chilly by the time I got to the lake, a cold northerly wind was blowing and the ground was cold. After a kilometre I warmed up and we chatted about a book called The Primal Blueprint which I'm reading at the moment. It was a good run that went by quickly due to some conversation.
I'll have to make it a regular run to show that there is more than one barefoot runner in the west.


Monday, June 9, 2014

First week of Winter

Distance 43.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6367.3km] Week24

Monday, 2 Jun. 10km

My usual after work run in ever diminishing light. The sun is up for around 20 minutes before the evening chill creeps over the land. Only another 3 weeks before we pass the shortest day an then minute by minute we get later sunsets once more. I don't have the same fear of the cold pavements when I would lose the feeling in my soles. I know I'm running correctly and my feet are fine.

Wednesday, 4 Jun. 10km,
I took the day off work today in the idea that I was going to be meeting the council about my house plans that they wont pass. It was called off. So I went for a run to ease my frustrations at the stupidity of these people that can get into positions of power and act like petty dictators.
It is nice to run when when I would normally be sat behind a desk working all day. All the retired people and other non working types are out and about enjoying the sunny weather. I did some beach running then up onto the beach pathway when I reached the river outlet.
River Torrens Estuary at West Beach on my running route 

Saturday, 7 Jun. 15km

A pleasant warm sunny Saturday morning. I'm starting my runs a little later now that winter is here to give some time for the air to warm up and the night chill to dissipate. The sand was cool but not numbingly cold. The tide was heading in and it was too soft after about 3km of running, well trodden from the horses that train on the beach. I headed off beach and around my new route along the suburban streets and over the footbridge into the posh suburbs of Delfin Island where the well heeled give strange looks to the no heeled.
As I was passing under the West Lakes Boulevard, following the lake path I came across 2 young girls puffing away on cigarettes under the bridge. I went past then though I should make an effort to put them off so I went back and tried to give a talk that wasn't a lecture about my brother who I lost earlier this year. Maybe it might stick, even if it doesn't, trying is better than not.

Sunday, 8-June, 8.2km

First it was to the gym this morning after a late start due to a late night that saw me getting home at 1am this morning. A birthday get together on a chilly night around a brazier with a roaring fire within. It has been an age since I have spent time staring into the flames of a fire, it brings back memories of when I was younger and the fires we would sit around it the local woods. 
I got out for my run around the lake after a short gym session at around 11.30am. I managed to shake off a tight head left over from a couple of beers last night.  I started off slow then got faster as I got further around and ended with a good sprint effort over the last 500m


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Winter arrives

Distance 35.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 6324.1km] Week23

Monday, May. 10km

A wet run today. It had been raining off and on all day but had stopped in the afternoon. I make my mind up about a run at the last minute, if it starts to rain before I leave the house I'll have a day off. If I'm in my car driving to my running spot and it starts to rain I'll not turn back. This is what it did today, I had the wipers on as I was parking up. I started running in the light rain and as I ran it got heavier. It was still an enjoyable run, I know now to avoid any slippery surfaces to avoid the aqua-planing and landing on my backside and becoming a spectacle. It got dark quickly as the sun was obscured behind thick cloud so I ran back in the dark and wet. I cooled down by walking a half kilometre back to the car from the cafe, it felt great splooshing through the puddles on the way back. My feet were nice and clean when I got back.

Thursday, 29-May. 10km

In contrast to Monday, the weather today was warm, bright and sunny and halfway around my run I was treated to the view of the magnified sun sinking in the west. Funny how I always take care not to stand on the ants as I run as I don't want to squash them as they are going about their business. I notice much more what is happening on the ground in front of me, whether its a stone, glass, ant or beetle. I've also noticed that the birds don't fly off to the same extend they just move to one side as I pass, probably because I am quiet as I run.

Saturday, 31-May. 7km

I was greeted by a grey damp morning and as I drove to the beach it began to rain. Still I tried to be enthusiastic, the tide was out after all and there was a big beach to run on. 
As I ran the rain came down steadily so by 3km I was soaked. I decided that I'd had enough and I'd turn around as I came on the river. I ran back along the pavement in the rain. I managed to get into a bit of race with another runner that I caught and passed, it was a slap in the face to be passed by a guy with no shoes. I didn't look around but I was aware of footsteps behind as he tried to catch me, so I just had to keep piling on a bit more speed until I shook him off. By the time I hit the Grange cafe he was around 20m behind. It was good to have a bit of a chase.

Sunday, 1-May. 8.2km

Today I switched around my pattern of run then gym so that I can let the morning warm up a little before the run.
I did a gym session which included some light leg work and some chest exercises. I was in there for around 75 minutes. I drove to the lake and the sun was out and it was a nice still morning, a few dark clouds in the distance but no rain and the pavements were dry. I started off slow and easy and finished fast over the last kilometre. I felt strong all the way around, aware I was running a bit too fast for a easy session. They have a seated calf raise machine at the gym which is one I prefer using rather than the standing calf raise, it engages the different muscle in the lower leg.  
