Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cold and rainy days

Distance 29.2km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 4750.5km] Week29

Wednesday, 17-July. 10.5km

I had some company on my run tonight in the form of Jeffery Tan and his daughte. They have been barefoot running for a while now but have not managed to make it to any of the group runs so I said I would go for a run at any time that was convenient.
We had a mild day today but this was going to change before weekend as a cold weather system moves across the state. I met Jeff at Henley beach and we ran towards West Beach then back up to Grange and back once more. It was starting to get quite cool in the last part of run as we made our way up and down the beach. It was good to have some company for once.
I was still a little stiff from the gym workout I had on Sunday where I did some leg exercises. I'm going to continue doing upper legs but leave the calves as they get enough of a workout from the running.

Saturday, 20-July. 10.5km

The cold winter weather certainly arrived yesterday and overnight. I was in two minds about whether to run of just stay in the comfort of indoors. The sun started to come out so that made up my mind, I could get a short run in. There was a strong cold wind blowing from the west south west direction and lots of dark clouds scurrying across the sky. I managed to run and avoid the rain but did come across spots where the rain had only just stopped. I wore extra warm clothing, two t-shirts and a long sleeved top along with compression leggings and short. My feet got a bit chilly but then started to feel warmer. It was a feeling like I used to get when I was young and threw snowballs during the winter, at first it was cold then the blood rushes to your hands (feet) to warm you up. I ran into the wind on the way out and had it almost behind me on the way back.

Sunday, 21-July. 8.2km

A cold night with plenty of rain showers. Thankfully it's a Sunday so I can say in the warmth for longer than on a weekday.
After a gym workout at 9.00am where I did quite a few leg exercises I made my way to the lake at 10:30am.
Jeff didn't turn up this time so I assume he didn't rread his email. I decided to try something he mentioned while running on Wednesday, nose breathing. Most of us, when we run get the oxygen into our lungs through our mouths but I have heard that you can regulate the aerobic pace you run at by breathing through your nose and keeping your mouth shut. I shall have to do more research into any benefits of this. I managed it all the way around on my run and did feel quite relaxed. It does feel a little strange in that you feel you should open your mouth like all the other runners you pass. While at the gym I was watching a girl on the treadmill running at a fast pace and she was only breathing through her nose and it made her running look effortless and easy. How I want my running to look in the end.
The wet pavements had dried out by the time I came to run around the lake. I must have acclimatised to the cold surfaces now as it doesn't seem to bother me any more. I ran untimed today.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Getting back to winter

Distance 57.7km [total: minimalist 329.1km: Barefoot 4721.3km] Week28

Monday, 1-July. 6km

First run after getting back from the sunny northern hemisphere. I have a full on cold virus that I picked up while travelling back. I find the timing amazing. When I fly out to the UK I catch a virus and spend 6 days ill. I get rid of that and pick up another on the return journey. So, as I head out on this short run, my breathing is restricted by tight painful lungs. I know it is not recommended to do physical exercise when enduring a chest infection but I took it easy and hoped that it would free up the tightness and ease the wheezing.
I ran on the beach and road. My feet had to go from running on warm surfaces to chilly winter temperature. They felt numb and my legs were cold as I wore just shorts and T-shirt, forgetting how cold it got once the sun disappeared.

Wednesday, 3-July. 10km

They are still doing refurbishment work along the beach, it seems to be taking for ever. If this were in China it would have been completed in a couple of weeks, but here in Australia it takes around 6 months. I can see why we have a productivity problem. It should be good when it is finished but it just takes sooooo long. There will be a pavement on both sides of the road now, one side concrete, which will be good for running on. The other side hasn't been started yet so I have no idea how they are going to pave it, with concrete or more upmarket brick.
Once again I ran in shorts and T-shirt and it got chilly out after sunset. Next time I will dress warmer.

Friday, 5-July. 9km

The pathway that runs behind the houses at Henley has been closed off due to upgrading work so I have to run that section on the beach. There was some firm sand to run along but it was very cold on the feet. I got back off the beach at the earliest opportunity. I have started to wear my compression leggings again after getting a bit cold on my previous run. My feet were a bit numb tonight, the ground being around 10C. I was glad to get them warmed up in the shower after getting back.

Sunday, 7-July. 6km

The monthly get together for the barefoot runners group. David was away on holiday but a new recruit turned up, Michael. Jenny was there also but the English Michael was a no show, maybe his enthusiasm with barefoot running has waned. I got no reply to my email. He could be on holiday though.
I was woken in the morning to the sound of heavy rain and this didn't bode well for the run at 10.30am. It did ease off by 9.00am as I headed down to the gym for a quick workout before the run. This was my first gym session for around 6 weeks so I went back to beginners weights.
I got to our meeting point by 10.30am by which time the sun came out and there was plenty of blue sky around. The sun had given off enough energy to dry the pavement and even impart a bit of warmth into the concrete. We did the lake loop at a easy conversational pace then after headed to the Grange bakery cafe for a coffee. Next months run will be the last of the winter ones for this year and we will be back into spring.

Thursday, 11-July. 10.5km

After a cold night a beautiful clear winters day followed with warm temperature and still conditions. The forecast was for rain coming in tomorrow so this afternoon was the pick of the days for a run.
I headed to the beach and ran from Grange to West Beach, the first part along the sand which was hard work as it was soft and quite cold. The sun had disappeared from the sky before I reached the halfway point and the temperature started to drop. My feet stayed a bit warmer than last week, maybe I've acclimatised.
I still had to have a good cough to clear my lungs every now and again, I'm close to the end of this virus attack.

Saturday, 13-July. 8km

The weather was actually quite warm today a silver line in the wet weekend. I went for a later run today as I had an eye test booked during the morning. First eye test I have ever had. Not a lot worng with my eyes except the gradual loss off short distance vision that comes with age. I went out for my run at around midday and managed 8km. I could have gone a bit further but I was running out of time. I have a get together with friends in the afternoon over coffee so I didn't want to be too late. The soft sand sapped my energy at the end of the run and I was glad to get it over with.

Sunday, 14-July. 8.2km

My usual lake run today. I swapped my routine around today, rather than run then go to the gym I did the gym work then ran. I did quite a few upper leg exercises at the gym to build my legs up. Despite all the running they have lost a lot of the strength for lifting weights.
The run after was a better way to do it. I got chatting to a fellow runner who was interested in knowing a bit more about barefoot running so I told her to search for the Facebook site. I got caught in the rain on the second half of the run and got pretty well soaked.
